Hello Beauties :) I know I've been gone for a really long time... It's a very long and complicated story but in short, after a very long and hard 3 months, my father passed away in July. I was going to do a whole blog post about it, explaining where I've been, but I just can't find the right things to say. Or if I even want to say anything. So I figured instead of waiting months and months until I feel up to it, I would just go ahead and start back up and if I feel like talking about it later, well then I can do it later :)
Today I have the Naturals Vox Box from
Influenster. In case you don't know what that is, I will explain it really quickly... Influenster has "VoxBoxes" that they send out periodically. If you want to join, it is completely free. All you do is go to their website, click Request An Invite (which is totally new... I just signed out to see what you click and I could have sworn when I signed up it just said "register" or something like that... I guess once you do this they will send you an email saying you can join?) then enter your email, name, stuff like that... Once you are a member, you complete "badges" which consists of taking surveys to see if you fit in with the badge. As in, if you want the Beauty Badge, you click it and take a survey which asks you different questions about beauty related things and if you qualify, you get the badge. When they are having a VoxBox going on, if you fit the criteria (aka, if it's a beauty box and you have the beauty badge) you will get an email saying you qualify, and it gives you directions on how to get it.
I just made that sound so confusing lol... I swear it took me 30 minutes just to type out that paragraph... I apologize, it's 4am, I haven't slept, and my brain isn't working... If you didn't manage to follow that, which I don't blame you if you didn't... Go watch
this video by SayAnythingBr00ke, she explains it much better than me... But now, On with the box!

When I opened the box...
The card with everything on it
EBoost - This is a powder that you add to your water. The package says it's "A proprietary formula of vitamins, minerals, and super-nutrients, that deliver a boost of energy and immunity in an easy to mix effervescent packet". Obviously I can't tell if it is indeed a great source of vitamins and nutrients... But I can tell you that it tasted like orange... As for the caffeine, I didn't notice a difference. But I am pretty much immune to caffeine seeing as I drink it constantly... But it did taste nice :) if you like orange that is...
It came with a coupon and recipe suggestions
Tea Recipe
Nectresse - This is, as the package says, a sweetener. Now I will go ahead and say that I am not a huge fan of sugar-substitutes. They all leave a weird aftertaste to me. This one didn't have a horrible aftertaste, but I could still tell it was there. If you like sweeteners though, you will probably like this one
Card that came with it
GeoDeo - Oh how I wanted to love you. First off, it smells amazing! But I'm afraid that's all I loved about it. One thing, I'm not very big on gel-type deodorants. It seemed to take forever to dry, and when it did "dry" it was super sticky. Which didn't last too long, but neither did the rest of it. Not going to go into any gross details, I'll just say it was a good thing I tested this out on a day I was home and not out in public...

Look at that cute little bee!
LypSyl LypMoisturizer - Now this I like :) It feels SOOO smooth and soft on your lips! It has a minty scent but it's not very powerful. (for reference, I hate anything mint flavored/scented but this doesn't bother me) It's also got another scent to it, but I can't place it and it's driving me insane. I suppose it could be the beeswax... The only issue I have with it, is that after about 15 minutes, you can't feel the actual product on your lips anymore. I guess it sinks in, cause your lips feel very moisturized, but when you rub your lips together, you can't feel it anymore.

Country Life Maxi- Hair Vitamins - After taking these, my nails did seem to be a bit stronger. I didn't notice any significant growth though. (although, it does just promise "healthier nails" not longer...) I want to think that my hair is a bit stronger, but I think it's just in my head because I want it to be true lol. The only issue I have with these is that they're $17.99 for 60. They would have to do some serious business in order for me to purchase them. Which they have not... Not saying they're bad. They actually seem to work a bit, just not $18 worth...
Trying to show the size of it, but some of it got cut off
And last but definitely not least...
The Original Dish Drying Mat - Is it odd that this was what I was most excited about? Granted, I do already own one... They are just so handy to have around! Especially if you are only washing a few dishes, you don't have to (in my case at least) drag out the big dish drain. It's super absorbent, and when it gets dirty, you just throw it in the washing machine. Absolutely love this :)
Well that's all I got in my Naturals VoxBox :) Overall I was really impressed & happy with it. I know the vitamins were a part of the "extras" so if you got one, what was your extra? Hope you enjoyed this post :) I will be back soon with more reviews/hauls/whatever other random crap I post :) Until next time, <3 Rebecca
P.S. It was supposed to come with CleanWell Hand Sanitizer Wipes, but mine didn't have any :( I don't know if they ran out or just forgot to give them to me...