Thursday, May 26, 2011

Review: John Frieda Lightening Spray

Hello People! Today I am reviewing the John Frieda Sheer Blonde: Go Blonder Controlled Lightening Spray... wow that's a lot to type...
 It is a spray (obviously) that you spray on your hair when it is wet, then you blow dry it in (the heat is what activates it) to make your hair "Go Blonder". The concept reminds me of something I used as a kid called Sun In, you used it the same way but it mostly just turned your hair orange lol. This works pretty good though. Although, I do not recommend it for people who's hair isn't already blonde, because I usually just spray it on the top of my hair to blend in the roots (i only highlight the top of my hair) but once my hair starts to grow out a lot and there is more darker hair there, it will turn it kind of orange. And I recommend using just a little bit because it does contain peroxide, and I found that if I spray a lot of it in one spot it makes my hair feel really rough and dry. I wouldn't use it every time you wash your hair, because it will eventually make your hair turn white lol, and I'm sure putting peroxide on your hair every day can't be good for it, and I wouldn't want anyone's hair to fall out! I usually use it about once a week, sparingly on the top of my head and in the front (like what shows if you have your hair in a ponytail). Overall, I give this a thumbs up! It helps me not have to highlight my hair as often, which is great because I do it myself and it is a pain in the butt so I like to do it as least often as possible... Just make sure you don't use too much or do it too often and keep the hair well conditioned so the peroxide doesn't dry it out! I hope this was helpful! Until next time, Rebecca :)

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