Monday, August 8, 2011

Mask Week! Day 1

Hello Darlin's (it's been a long tiiiiiiiiime, you're just as lovely... :-p) Sorry for the lack of posting lately, but this time it wasn't laziness! I recently bought some of the Freeman Face Masks, and instead of just reviewing them as I used them (which would result in lazy posting) I decided to have a Mask Week! By giving it a name, I'm making it sound all fancy, but basically, instead of reviewing them as a whole I will be reviewing one a day all this week :) But I only have 4, so I might just review some other masks I own to make up for the lost days... But without further ado, may I present the first contender for Mask Week 2011...


The first mask I will be reviewing is the Freeman Detoxifying Chocolate & Strawberry Face Mask (sorry about the photo quality, the only photo I had of it was a "group photo" after I had already used it once, so I had to crop it out of the pic because I already finished it and threw the package away :( also, about 2 weeks after I bought this one, they changed the packaging, which is why this one looks old and the others will look newer)

  1. Scent - This smells absolutely amazing!!!! I usually hate chocolate scented things, but this smells super delicious. I think it might be the strawberry that counteracts it or something, not really sure. All I know is that I want to lick my face when this is on
  2. Formula - It looks kinda gross when you squeeze it out. It looks like mud. It's not very dark though... when you apply it (or on me at least) you can't even really see it, it just blends in with my skin color. It feels kinda chunky, too. Once it dries, it lightens up in color and you can actually see it on your face. The actual formula feels like any other clay mask I've tried (except for the chunkiness). Once it dries, I just rinse it off, then wipe my face with a wet washcloth :) 
  3. Does it work? - After I wash it off, my face feels super clean. But not over dried. My pores do look a lot smaller, but after about 2 days they go back to normal. Which is how I think every mask does, or the ones that I've tried at least. My face feel super soft, and my moisturizer seems to sink in so much better :)
  4. Price - I think they are well worth the money. Seeing as they are less than $2 (at my Wal-Mart) and I think I got 4 uses out of this one. I'm sure you can buy it in an actual bottle somewhere, but my store only has these little packets. (I do have the full sized bottle of a different mask and I think it was around $4)
So what is my overall opinion? I love this mask! Even if it didn't work well, I think I would still use it for the smell. But I love the way it makes my skin feel! I am super sad that I ran out of it and I will definitely be picking another one up next time I go to Wal-Mart. This one definitely gets a thumbs up from me!! Have you tried this mask? If so, what did you think of it? And don't forget to come back tomorrow for Day 2!   <3 Rebecca

1 comment:

  1. hey, awesome review, if thats available in australia i def wanna give it a try.
    nice blog btw, i'm following u, follow back?
